Post by Twitter Cordova on Apr 27, 2009 23:05:29 GMT -5
Cybersex? ROFL! You guys say the most craziest things. I'm beginning to wonder if Gallaxhar was the creator BEHIND that Computer spaceship of his. After all, he WAS the person responsible for destorying his own planet.
Post by Mansion on Apr 28, 2009 11:19:46 GMT -5
Oh... I thought that went without saying, that he created his computer program. So one has to wonder WHY he picked her sexy, sultry voice program, huh?
Post by Twitter Cordova on Apr 28, 2009 12:52:16 GMT -5
One thing that amazes me about the computer's voice is that she's play by Amy Poehler, but it doesn't sound like her when you hear her talking in the movie @_@
Post by Mansion on Apr 28, 2009 15:08:22 GMT -5
Oh, hey guys... I've got another G/C drabble up in Tales From Area 5X. Too lazy to link, but my homepage button over there
links to my FFN profile, and TFA5X is the first story in the (embarrassingly lengthy) archive.
Post by Wolf Mystic on Apr 28, 2009 17:38:57 GMT -5
HA!! I think that it's a good pairing.
Post by DolphinLight on Apr 28, 2009 22:17:35 GMT -5
Nice one, Mansion. I read the new edition to your drabble and thought it was really creative! Now we know how the computer got its voice! I didn't have time to review for you on there but I loved the part when he finds out he downloaded his ex-wife's voice. It was great! Another good idea could be a fill in the blank for Gallahax's former life. I'd love to know the background on that one.
Post by Mansion on Apr 29, 2009 0:30:12 GMT -5
That's just too good to ignore, that aspect. And hah, his ex's personality with a sexier voice! His computer's so naggy but coddles him so much... I had to do it. It was Nobility's idea. I'm very suceptable to suggestion.
I think next... I'm wondering about doing something post-movie, with Gallaxhar stuck in an escape pod (Gallaxhar's too awesome to die in an explosion!!!), bantering with his computer a lot. Unfortunately, that's the whole of my idea. I would like to throw in an awkweird, obsessiveish thing about her being estatic that he finally has time to (read: is forced to) pay more attenion to her and spend time together.
I guess I'm the only person who writes fic for them...? There's not a whole lot of obsessive Gallaxhar fans (there are a few though XDD), but he's so great!!! But of course, that may be my love of Dwight from The Office speaking there. And my love of alien invaders. And squids. And kickin' Elvis threads... XDDDDDD
Post by Nobility on Apr 29, 2009 11:14:38 GMT -5
The whole choosing a personality for the computer actually reminded me of a scene from Sam and Max. XD
There's probably not a lot of Gallaxhar/Computer stories out there because most people only write Gallaxhar as an antagonist, so they don't really have time to add any G/C-ness, I suppose.
I might have to add a little G/C goodness in that AU fic I'm toying around with, though...
Post by Mansion on Apr 29, 2009 13:30:00 GMT -5
Sam and Max, huh? Never played it. I almost feel like I somehow must have ripped that scene off from somewhere, but I can't think of where. I was just going for overblown comedy writing.
There aren't even that many "Gallaxhar as the antagonist" stories that I've seen. I just have a lot of fun writing him... I usually have a soft spot for the villains in cartoons, though. And there's so many things you can do with a character like him... Silly, menacing, insane (all in the same paragraph!).
Really? You're gonna put G/C in the SAINW fic? *flails in joy* Yaaaaays!
Post by Twitter Cordova on Apr 29, 2009 19:08:31 GMT -5
Sam and Max? Never heard of them. So there aren't a lot of fanfics on Gallaxhar/Computer? You must be very proud of yourself Mansion. Good for you! If this keeps up, people could be inspire to make more fanfics about the two of them together ^_^
Post by xThexJadedxBugx on Apr 29, 2009 19:52:14 GMT -5
I remember reading your first G/C drabdle Mansion, and I definitly say that I loved it =D
Yeah, I also noticed that there isn't a lot of Galaxar fic (at least not of FF.N). 'Tis a sad thing, since my friend gave me a new understanding of antagonists in movies/books an so fourth three years back. I mean, there really is a lot you can do with the guy. I've been trying to analyze what really could have happened before he basically destroyed his own planet. Like, I've been having this theory that at one point he could have taken leadership of his planet and got a little too power hungry,causing him to create some sort of dictatorship. And how that led up to him destroying it? maybe he did it because he was getting fed up with the other people on his home planet rebelling against his own rule. It could have happened, you never know =P
Post by Mansion on Apr 29, 2009 23:26:18 GMT -5
I find I always end up writing the most fics for really obscure pairings... Then I have the joy of converting other people over with my madness! Really, though, I don't know why, but I have more ideas for crack or niche or UC couples than the main pairings. Like, I can't write Dr/ C/Susan that I'm okay with to save my life. DX And it sucks, because I know I have their voices down, but I can't think of a premise!
Antagonists are great! They're the reason for the story to happen! But I love that Gall's backatory was so intentionally vague and piecimeal... A not-so-subtle riff on the old convention of having a villain monologue out their sob-story past (because there's really not other was to narratively convey that info) whilst the hero is captured. So I try not to think about it too much. It ruins the magic for me. XD
Post by fuzzynecromancer on May 29, 2009 1:57:47 GMT -5
I think the reason the computer has such a sexy voice is homage. Throughout the world of science fiction, computers almost always have a sensuous female voice.
It's not even just fictional computers either. Listen to an answering machine. Use a GPS. Most disembodied electronic voices in our society are female.
Post by Mansion on May 29, 2009 12:21:43 GMT -5
I know. (About the homage.) I mean, it's obvious, really, the way her voice is SOOO breathy and overblown.
This is because computers are programmed by lonely men. And scifi? Populated by fandoms of more of the same. And anyway, feminity makes computers non-threatening, so it's a natural choice.
(Oddly, my disembodied answering machine voice is male, though... And so are a lot of automated phone service voices. And the classic "you've got mail" personal computer voice. Yeah. I'm not really making a point here or anything. Just ramblin'.)
I just think it's funny, and it gives me something to write humorous fanfiction about. Clearly, I'm a Gallaxhar fan and I enjoy writing him, and the only one he talks to for half the movie is the computer. Vector in the fact that she talks to him like a stripper trying to earn an extra tip and you can come up with all sorts of demented shippy vibes.
Post by Crazyrabidpony on May 29, 2009 12:33:52 GMT -5
Stripper? XD LOLZ! My gosh, Mansion! That made me crack! Now I'm gonna have to get a new face! XP